Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thank you to CSI Mercy Medical Center

We in CHAD are so grateful for our partners at CSI Mercy Medical Center. This team of compassionate missionary and volunteer medical staff provide among the best care and certainly the best follow-up services in Phnom Penh. Patients consistently express their appreciation for the dignity with which they have received care. It gives pastors and lay leaders hope that they really can reach out and help those poorest sick in their community when they know such an institution exists for those needing referral to the capital city. It is helpful to us (and to dispelling the patronage mentality) to have these new guidelines outlined by CSI for patient contributions.

While as much as possible we ask the patients to cover their portion as outlined in CSI Patient Payment Plan, your contributions to Advance #3020542 give us funds to help folks with transport and logistics involved in getting care and to pay the actual test and treatment costs above patient co-pays that are incurred by CSI-MMC for the people we refer (about $500 per quarter), and additional donations as funds are available. It is a multi-leveled partnership, and we in CHAD are excited to be able to facilitate your help to our pastors who are helping the poor sick to receive dignified, compassionate care from our partners at CSI.


Dear CSI Mercy Medical Center Referring Partners (RPs),

Just as Jesus sent his disciples out “to preach and to heal” we are pleased to partner with you in the work of proclaiming His good news in word and deed in Cambodia!

Beginning May 4th (the first Monday in May, next week), we are launching a new Patient Payment Program. The intention of this new program is to enable us all to more effectively minister to the needs of poor Cambodians in a way which is as sustainable and empowering as possible. Because there are no increases in costs to you, the RP, we will assume your continued partnership unless you inform us otherwise.

Details of this new Patient Payment Program are attached. Key features and changes include the following:

New “sliding scale” (income-based) Patient Visit Fee: Over the past year, a first-visit fee of $10 and follow-up visit fee of $5 has been assessed to the RP, included in the monthly bill. There will no longer be a different first-visit fee, and the new visit fee will be USD 2.50 for the poor, 5.00 for medium income, and 7.50 for high income patients. We are asking all RPs to determine the patient’s income status as objectively as possible using a scoring system (attached and distributed each time new Referral Forms are distributed) and indicate this on our new Referral Form as a score (1,2, or 3).

New Referral Forms: On May 4th, please use our new Referral Forms as able (we will continue to accept OLD Referral Forms through May 30 only). You may stop by and pick new forms up as early as May 4th.

Option of designating patients as “Self Pay”: Referral Forms require the RP to select whether the patient is sponsored (meaning the RP will be billed retroactively for his/her visit) or self-pay (meaning the patient must pay at the registration window). Sponsored patients have a YELLOW MMC ID card; Self-Pay patients have a PINK MMC ID Card.

Standard Enrollment Period: Patients sponsored by an RP will be sponsored for their first 5 visits only, and then will change automatically to “self pay” status (unless the RP notifies us to continue sponsorship). During those first 5 visits (Standard Enrollment) our goals will be to establish clear diagnoses and most-sustainable treatment plans, provide the patients with opportunity to learn about preventive health and God, and communicate at least once with you regarding the patient’s health.

Finally, we’d like to remind all Referring Partners that we welcome donations to support patient care. The Patient Visit Fees help cover only a portion of the real costs of patient care. The reality is, without significant additional donations we would need to close our doors. Please prayerfully consider: a one-time or monthly donation to support the work of MMC, sponsorship of a staff member, or sponsorship of a special-needs patient. Thanks to all of you who have provided additional donations in the past. We praise God for His ongoing provision and rest in Him to provide.

In Christ,

Doug Collins
Medical Director
CSI Mercy Medical Center

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